New photos
Posted by: elainerotan on Saturday, February 08, 2003 - 08:45 PM(6826 Reads)
This is submitted in regards to Shawn's remarks about Phil and Elaine getting off their butts and getting down to business by submitting photos of themselves. At our age when having pictures made, ALL wrinkles, grey hairs, double chins, dark circles, droopy eyelids, etc. show up like neon lights. We have been searching the internet, yellow pages, MOST professional photographers and there seems nothing can be done about the problems listed above. However, be not dismayed, we will send some photos to you as soon as we can. We only hope those that are submitted will not discourage anyone from using the mckenzies.net in the future. (We do welcome any suggestions from the family).
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Re: New Photos
(Score: 1)
by Jeanne on Feb 09, 2003 - 12:36 AM (User information | Send a message
Many of us "old farts" out there have submitted photos because we are operating under the supposition that we are getting better rather than older. I guess that means we still have a good imagination!